Converting the server database type

You can convert the server database to Helix ALM native, SQL Server, Oracle Native, or PostgreSQL format. Keep the following in mind before you start the conversion:

  • All other users must be logged out of the Helix ALM Server.
  • The destination database cannot be in use by another server.
  • All of the tables in the destination database must be empty except for the serverid, ownerlck, and RDBMSOptions tables.
  • Legacy TestTrack 2011.1 or earlier native server databases must be upgraded or converted to RDBMS format before upgrading to the 64-bit server. See Upgrading projects and Converting projects.
  • If you are converting to a SQL Server database, you must add a unique data source name (DSN) on the Helix ALM Server computer to connect to the database. See Creating DSNs for SQL Server Databases.

1. Make sure you are logged in to the server to change. Choose File > Connect to Server to connect to a different server.

2. Click Server Options. You can also choose View > Server Options.

The Options dialog box opens.

3. Select the Server Database category.

4. Click Convert.

The Helix ALM Server Database Conversion dialog box opens.

5. Select a Database Type. The available fields depend on the selected type.

6. Enter the Connection Information.

You are not prompted for connection information or to test the connection if you are converting to Helix ALM native format. The existing server database is moved to the old subdirectory in the Helix ALM database directory when the conversion finishes.

7. Click Test to test the connection.

The Test Connection dialog box opens and displays the results. If the test connection fails, you can copy and paste the text into an email or text file and send it to your DBA for help.

8. Click Close to close the Test Connection dialog box.

You return to the Helix ALM Server Database Conversion dialog box.

9. Click OK to convert the database.

The server database conversion information is sent to the Helix ALM Server for validation.

  • If the validation succeeds, you are prompted to start the conversion. Remember that users cannot log in during the conversion process.
  • If the validation fails, make sure the Helix ALM tables exist and are empty, except for the serverid, ownerlck, and RDBMSOptions tables. You should also make sure that all other users are logged out of the server and that another server is not using the database.

10. Click Yes.

The Conversion Status dialog box opens and the conversion starts.

11. Click Close when the conversion finishes.

You are prompted to use the converted server database.

12. Click Yes.

You must stop and restart the Helix ALM Server to complete the conversion.

Note:  You can also manually change the database the Helix ALM Server is using. See Changing the server database location.