Entering test case steps in grid view

Use grid view to enter test case steps, expected results, and comments in rows and columns.

1. Click the Steps tab when you are adding or editing a test case.

2. Click the Grid tab.

3. Select a Display test runs generated for this test case option to indicate how steps are displayed in test runs generated from the test case.

Note:  This option may not be available depending on the test run compliance settings.

4. Click a cell in the Step column and enter instructions for performing the action.

Tip:  You can use test variant field codes in test case fields and steps. When you generate test runs, field codes are replaced with the variant values. For example, if you have an Operating System variant with a %Z_OSVARIANT% field code and the Windows value is used to generate test runs, the field code is replaced with Windows in the test run. To add a variant field code, right-click the field or step and choose Insert Variant Field Code. Select a field code and click OK to add it.

5. Click a cell in the Expected Result column and enter the expected results for the corresponding step.

To add additional expected result lines in a step, select the step and click Insert Expected Result. You may want to enter each result on a separate line if the step has more than one expected result. If an issue occurs during the test, problem statements can be entered in the test run for each expected result.

6. Select a step or expected result and click the Capture Screen button or the Add Attachment button to add a screenshot or other file attachment, such as an automated test script. See Capturing screens and Attaching files to test case steps.

7. Click the next row to enter additional steps.

Tip:  You can copy and move steps and comments. To copy a step or comment, select it and drag it to the new location. To move a step or comment, select it, press Shift, and drag it to the new location.

8. Select a row and click Insert Comment to add a comment that provides additional information about a step or expected result.

If detail grid view is used to generate test runs, you can also add step notes, which are notes associated with a specific step. To add a step note, select a step, click Insert Comment, and then select Insert Step Note.

Note:  You can convert comments to step notes and vice versa. To convert a comment, right-click it and choose Convert to Step Note. To convert a step note, right-click it and choose Convert to Comment.

9. Select a row and click Insert Shared Steps to add steps from another test case. See Adding shared steps from other test cases.

All steps from the shared test case are included when test runs are generated from the test case.

10. Select a row and click Delete to delete it.

11. Save the test case.

  • Click OK to save the changes.
  • Click Apply to save and continue working on the test case.