Entering test results in text view

Test runs displayed in text view include steps and expected results as text. Markup codes indicate the type of text line.

If issues occur during the test, you can enter problem statements to indicate how the actual results are different from expected results. Problem statements, which are used when creating issues from test runs, should be specific so other users can reproduce the issue. For example, if you perform a step to log in to the tested application and the login fails, you can enter the error displayed or other behavior that occurs.

Tip:  Review all information in the test run before running the test and entering results. See Running tests.

1. Select the test run on the Test Runs list window and click Edit.

The Edit Test Run dialog box opens.

2. Click the Steps tab.

The read-only test case steps are displayed.

3. Perform each step in the test run. Make sure the actual results match any expected results provided.

Markup codes indicate the type of text in each line, such as steps and expected results. See Test case and test run markup codes.

Note:  Attachments may be included in the steps to provide additional information you need to perform the test. Click an attachment link to view it.

4. If an issue occurs when you perform a step, enter a Problem Statement to describe the problem.

Note:  You can also add attachments to help other users understand issues you encountered. See Attaching files.

5. Click Go To Test Case to view the related test case. See Viewing test cases.

6. Click Create Issue to add an issue to report any problems found during testing. See Creating issues from test runs.

7. Click Send Email to email a user about the test run. See Emailing from Helix ALM.

8. Save the test run.

  • Click OK to save and close the test run.
  • Click Apply to save and continue working on the test run.

Note:  If the test run is complete, make sure you enter the overall test result (e.g., Passed, Failed, or Undetermined). See Entering overall test run results.