Web User Guide | 2019.2

Entering test case steps in text view

Use text view to enter test case steps as text. Markup codes indicate the type of text in each line.

1. Click the Steps tab when you are adding or editing a test case.

2. Click Text.

3. Enter the markup code to indicate the type of line you are entering. See Test case and test run markup codes.

Markup codes must be at the beginning of a line.

4. Enter steps, expected, results, comments, or other information after the markup code.

Tip:  You can use test variant field codes in test case fields and steps. When you generate test runs, field codes are replaced with the variant values. For example, if you have an Operating System variant with a %Z_OSVARIANT% field code and the Windows value is used to generate test runs, the field code is replaced with Windows in the test run. To add a variant field code, click the field or step, click the Insert Variant button, and choose the field code to add.

5. Click Add shared steps to add steps from another test case. See Adding shared steps from other test cases.

All steps from the shared test case are included when test runs are generated.

6. Click the Insert Attachment button to add a file attachment to provide additional information for the test. See Adding attachments to test case steps.

7. Click the Validate Steps button to validate the syntax. Any errors that must be fixed are highlighted and red. See Validating test case steps.

You cannot generate test runs in detail grid view from test cases with errors.

8. Save the test case.

  • Click Save to save the changes.
  • Click Apply to save and continue working on the test case.