Web User Guide | 2019.2

Adding attachments to test case steps

You can add attachments to test case steps and expected results to provide additional information for users performing test runs. Attachments are copied to generated test runs.

1. Click the Steps tab when you are adding or editing a test case.

2. If you are entering steps in grid view, select the step or expected result to add the attachment to.

If you are entering steps in text view, select the line to add the attachment to.

3. Click the Insert Attachment button.

The Open dialog box opens.

4. Select the file to attach and click Open.

The attachment is added to the Attachments column in grid view or the selected line in text view, and the test case Files tab.

5. Click an attachment thumbnail or name to view or download it. See Viewing and downloading file attachments.

6. Click Delete next to an attachment to remove it.