QA user accounts

Helix Plan offers a quick and easy way to connect external testers. You can do this by creating QA accounts. This type of account is able to log in and report bugs. They can also access the Quality Assurance view, as well as Documents and Chat.

In order for a QA user to be able to access other areas and functions, or to be used in agile or scheduling projects, they must be turned into a normal user. For more information, see Turning QA user accounts into full users.
Only users with administration rights can create QA users.

To create a new QA account:

1. Click Admin.

The Admin area opens.

2. Click Users.

The Users list opens.

3. Click More.

4. Click New QA account.

The New QA account dialog opens.

5. Add the QA account's details.

This process is identical to creating a standard user. For more information, see Adding users.

6. Click OK.

The QA account is created and can now be used as a user in the QA part of the project.