Creating a report

You can create a new report for sorting and filtering the current view.

1. Click My Reports in the toolbar.

The Reports interface appears.

2. Click New.

The New report dialog appears.

3. Enter a Report name and click OK.

The Edit, generate, and export dialog appears, where you can configure the report query using a visual builder. This query determines which tasks, items or bugs will be shown when the report is active, as well as how they will be sorted and grouped. For more information on queries in Helix Plan, see Writing advanced Find queries.

4. Use the visual builder to add and edit the required Find criteria and Excluding criteria.

Each node represents one filter setting, and you can add new ones from the toolbar or by clicking the icon. You can also move the arrows to connect the nodes to each other.

If you want to run the report query automatically while you are editing the filter settings, you can click the Auto refresh button in the toolbar. This option is disabled by default.

5. To configure a node, click it.

The options for the selected node will appear at the bottom of the dialog. The available settings will depend on the Criteria you select. For example, if you select the criteria Items with this keyword, you can then choose a Text condition (such as Contains, Exact match, and Starts with), and then enter the keyword.

6. To select which columns to include in the report, click Select columns.

The Select columns dialog appears, which contains a list of available columns.

7. Select the check boxes next to the columns you want to include and click OK to save.

8. Click Sort and group in the toolbar.

A drop-down menu containing options for sorting and grouping the report results appears.

9. To determine how the results should be sorted, hover over the Sort report by - First and Sort report by - Second options, and select the columns you want to use to sort the report results.

If you choose to use two columns, the first column will be the primary sorting column. For example, if you choose Status as the first sort column, and Item name as the second, the results will be ordered first based on their current status, and then ordered alphabetically based on their names.

10. To group the report results into separate sections, hover over the Group report by - Main and Group report by - Sub options, and select the columns to use.

11. Click Save.