Adding dashboard pages from templates

Dashboard page templates make it easy to share dashboard pages and charts with others who want to use similar ones in Helix Plan.

When you add a page from a template, it includes all charts and item views on the page from when the template was saved. Template files are saved from Helix Plan as XML files. See Saving dashboard page templates.

You can also use page templates to duplicate a dashboard page in the same project, or to use in a different Helix Plan database or on a different Helix Plan server.

Helix Plan provides example dashboard page templates you can use as is or as a starting point for your own dashboards. See Example dashboard page templates.

1. Click Dashboards.

The Dashboards area opens.

2. Click + to the right of the dashboard page tabs, select New page from template, and select an example template to use as a starting point.

To use a template saved to your computer, choose Browse your computer. Browse to find the template and click Open.

The new page is added using the name saved in the template. You can rename the page. See Renaming dashboard pages.

If a report used as a filter for a chart or item view does not exist or has not been shared with you in the project, it will be automatically created for you. If the report is a project report for a project that does not exist or you are not allowed to access, you are prompted to convert it to a report for the current project or to a portfolio report used across all projects. If you do not convert the report, the chart will have an invalid project report and you need to edit the chart to use a valid report or remove the report.

3. Make any changes to the charts or item views on the page. See Editing dashboard charts and item views.

If you use the template to add a page in a different Helix Plan database or on a different Helix Plan server, it may not have the same setup (custom columns, sprints, users, etc.) as the project the template was saved from. You need to edit chart and item view settings to accommodate the differences.

Keep in mind that charts that use the Historical data dimension may take time to accumulate data after adding the dashboard page from a template.