Getting started with Helix ALM integration

Helix Plan can be integrated with Helix ALM, which enables you to import and sync items from Helix ALM into Helix Plan product backlogs.

When a Helix ALM project is paired with a Helix Plan project, all requirements matching a specified filter from the ALM server will be added to Helix Plan as backlog tasks. These will then be automatically synced at regular intervals. In addition to the scheduled syncs, administrators can manually trigger a sync at any time from the backlog.

Using this integration has no impact on how you use Helix ALM already and it will not make any changes in ALM. The integration enables you to plan your requirements using Helix Plan and keep them up to date. This will help you be more organized around timelines, resource needs, and the capacity your organization have to deliver requirements.

Creating an integration will also automatically add several new custom columns in Helix Plan that are specific to synced items: ALM Tag (Text), ALM Status (Text), and ALM URL (Hyperlink).

The integration can be used both with the on-prem and cloud offerings of both products.

In order to use the integration, it must be installed and configured by an administrator or other power user.


The following are required to configure and use the Helix ALM integration:

  • Helix Plan Server
  • Helix ALM 2023.1.0 or later
  • Node.js 18.12.0 or later LTS release
  • (Linux only) curl - for example, sudo apt-get install curl
  • (Windows only) PowerShell
  • Helix Plan SDK user - The integration requires an SDK user, which connects Helix Plan to Helix ALM. Add a dedicated SDK user for the integration.
  • Helix Plan integration user - A separate integration user is also required, which is responsible for creating and updating items synced from Helix ALM. This can be a new or existing user, but they must have administrator access.
  • API Key and API Secret from Helix ALM.
  • Helix ALM filter.
  • A firewall to block TCP port 4000 from outside access. Otherwise, it will enable other users to log in to Helix Plan by using the Helix Plan API. Refer to the documentation for your operating system or firewall for information on how to do this.

Installation and configuration

1. Make sure that you have all the pre-requisite components that are needed, such as an API Key and Key Secret from Helix ALM.

2. Make the necessary preparations in Helix Plan, such as adding an SDK user and a separate integration user.

3. Install and configure the integration.

4. Create the integration in Helix Plan, using the details from the previous steps.