Installing and configuring the Helix Plan - Helix ALM integration

When you have completed all preparations and pre-requisities, you can install the Helix ALM integration.

This requires that you have file system access to a machine where the integration is hosted.
To encrypt all data stored on the Helix Plan Server, use an encrypted disk. If you do not use an encrypted disk, some data related to Helix Plan on the server will remain unencrypted. Only the user running the server should have access to the database, installation, and backup folders.

1. Download the Helix ALM integration zip file and unzip it.

2. Run the install script that matches your operating system:

  • macOS / Linux - ./
  • Windows - install.ps1

3. Create a copy of the file called config-example.env and rename the copy to just .env

On Windows, you cannot rename the file to .env using the GUI. Instead, you should one of the following methods.

Using command line:

rename config-example.env .env

Using Powershell:

Rename-Item -Path "config-example.env" -NewName ".env"

4. Open .env and edit it to add the following information:

  • hansoftHost - The name of the Helix Plan server.
  • hansoftPort - The port for the Helix Plan server.
  • database The name of the Helix Plan database.
  • sdkUser The name of the SDK user.
  • sdkPassword - The password of the SDK user.
  • integrationUsername - The name of the Helix Plan integration user.
  • integrationToken - The login token for the integration user.
  • (Optional) verifyCertificate - Change to true.
  • The certificate must be from a certificate authority that is supported by NodeJS HTTPS Agent.

    Setting this to false constitutes a security liability if you do not have firewalls or other security measures in place, as these communications will otherwise not be secure while the default setting is used. Consult your IT department for more information.

5. Save the .env file.

6. Run the start script to activate the integration:

  • macOS / Linux - ./
  • Windows - start.ps1

7. (Optional) If you want to configure the integration to launch automatically on Windows, you can use the Windows Task Scheduler to create a task. This requires to run the command line powershell, adding the path to start.ps1 as an argument, and specifying the path of that script in the Start in field. Refer to the official Windows documentation for more information.

Next: Connecting Helix Plan to Helix ALM