This is the complete list of members for IliFormat, including all inherited members.
AddAlias(const char *aliasName, const char *definition, IliFormatType type, IliFormatCategory category=IliUserFormat) | IliFormat | static |
ConnectToMessageDatabase(IlvDisplay *display) | IliFormat | static |
format(IliString &dest, const char *val) const | IliFormat | |
format(IliString &dest, IlBoolean val) const | IliFormat | |
format(IliString &dest, IlInt val) const | IliFormat | |
format(IliString &dest, IlFloat val) const | IliFormat | |
format(IliString &dest, IlDouble val) const | IliFormat | |
format(IliString &dest, IliDecimal val) const | IliFormat | |
format(IliString &dest, const IliDate &val) const | IliFormat | |
GetAliasDefinition(IlInt aliasIndex) | IliFormat | static |
GetAliasDefinition(const char *aliasName) | IliFormat | static |
GetAliasesCount() | IliFormat | static |
GetAliasFormatCategory(IlInt aliasIndex) | IliFormat | static |
GetAliasFormatType(IlInt aliasIndex) | IliFormat | static |
GetAliasIndex(const char *aliasName) | IliFormat | static |
GetAliasName(IlInt aliasIndex) | IliFormat | static |
GetCurrencyPosition() | IliFormat | static |
GetCurrencySymbol() | IliFormat | static |
GetDateSeparator() | IliFormat | static |
GetDecimalPoint() | IliFormat | static |
GetDefaultFormat() | IliFormat | static |
getDefinition() const | IliFormat | |
GetLongMonthLabel(IlInt month) | IliFormat | static |
GetLongWeekDayLabel(IlInt weekDay) | IliFormat | static |
GetMonthByName(const char *name) | IliFormat | static |
GetShortMonthLabel(IlInt month) | IliFormat | static |
GetShortWeekDayLabel(IlInt weekDay) | IliFormat | static |
GetThousandsSeparator() | IliFormat | static |
GetTimeSeparator() | IliFormat | static |
getType() const | IliFormat | |
IliFormat() | IliFormat | |
IliFormat(const char *definition) | IliFormat | |
IliFormat(const IliFormat &) | IliFormat | |
IsDefaultStringLtoR() | IliFormat | static |
IsMonthBeforeDay() | IliFormat | static |
isNull() const | IliFormat | |
isPasswordFormat() const | IliFormat | |
isUserDefinedFormat() const | IliFormat | |
operator=(const IliFormat &fmt) | IliFormat | |
operator==(const IliFormat &fmt) const | IliFormat | |
read(std::istream &input) | IliFormat | |
ReadMessageDatabase(IlvDisplay *disp, const char *file) | IliFormat | static |
RemoveAlias(IlInt aliasIndex) | IliFormat | static |
SetAliasDefinition(IlInt aliasIndex, const char *definition) | IliFormat | static |
SetAliasFormatCategory(IlInt aliasIndex, IliFormatCategory c) | IliFormat | static |
SetAliasFormatType(IlInt aliasIndex, IliFormatType type) | IliFormat | static |
SetAliasName(IlInt aliasIndex, const char *name) | IliFormat | static |
SetCurrencyPosition(IliCurrencyPosition pos) | IliFormat | static |
SetCurrencySymbol(const char *c) | IliFormat | static |
SetDateSeparator(char c) | IliFormat | static |
SetDecimalPoint(char c) | IliFormat | static |
SetDefaultStringLtoR(IlBoolean direction) | IliFormat | static |
setDefinition(const char *definition) | IliFormat | |
SetLongMonthLabel(IlInt month, const char *label) | IliFormat | static |
SetLongWeekDayLabel(IlInt weekDay, const char *label) | IliFormat | static |
SetMonthBeforeDay(IlBoolean before) | IliFormat | static |
SetShortMonthLabel(IlInt month, const char *label) | IliFormat | static |
SetShortWeekDayLabel(IlInt weekDay, const char *str) | IliFormat | static |
SetThousandsSeparator(char c) | IliFormat | static |
SetTimeSeparator(char c) | IliFormat | static |
write(std::ostream &output) const | IliFormat |