Predefined Ellipsoids

The maps package contains a list of predefined ellipsoids. A predefined ellipsoid is referenced by its name. To access a predefined ellipsoid, use the static method GetRegisteredEllipsoid of the class IlvEllipsoid.

For example:

const IlvEllipsoid* ellipsoid =


IlvProjection* projection = new IlvMercatorProjection();


The following table provides a list of the predefined ellipsoids that are available.



Semi-Major Axis



Sphere of 6370997 m 6370997.0 0.0
MERIT MERIT 1983 6378137.0 0.0818192
SGS85 Soviet Geodetic System 85 6378136.0 0.0818192
GRS80 GRS 1980(IUGG, 1980) 6378137.0 0.0818192
IAU76 IAU 1976 6378140.0 0.0818192
airy Airy 1830 6377563.396 0.0816734
APL4.9 Appl. Physics. 1965 6378137.0 0.0818202
NWL9D Naval Weapons Lab., 1965 6378145.0 0.0818202
mod_airy Modified Airy 6377340.189 0.0816734
andrae Andrae 1876 (Den., Iclnd.) 6377104.43 0.0815816
aust_SA Australian Natl & S. Amer. 1969 6378160.0 0.0818202
GRS67 GRS 67(IUGG 1967) 6378160.0 0.0818206
bessel Bessel 1841 6377397.155 0.0816968
bess_nam Bessel 1841 (Namibia) 6377483.865 0.0816968
clrk66 Clarke 1866 6378206.4 0.0822719
clrk80 Clarke 1880 mod. 6378249.145 0.0824832
CPM Commission des Poids et Mesures (1799) 6375738.7 0.0772909
delmbr Delambre 1810 (Belgium) 6376428.0 0.080064
engelis Engelis 1985 6378136.05 0.0818193
evrst30 Everest 1830 6377276.345 0.081473
evrst48 Everest 1948 6377304.063 0.081473
evrst56 Everest 1956 6377301.243 0.081473
evrst69 Everest 1969 6377295.664 0.081473
evrstSS Everest (Sabah & Sarawak) 6377298.556 0.081473
fschr60 Fischer (Mercury Datum) 1960 6378166.0 0.0818133
fschr60m Modified Fischer 1960 6378155.0 0.0818133
fschr68 Fischer 1968 6378150.0 0.0818133
helmert Helmert 1906 6378200.0 0.0818133
hough Hough 6378270.0 0.0819919
intl International 1909 (Hayford) 6378388.0 0.0819919
krass Krassovsky, 1942 6378245.0 0.0818133
kaula Kaula 1961 6378163.0 0.0818215
lerch Lerch 1979 6378139.0 0.0818192
mprts Maupertius 1738 6397300.0 0.1021949
new_intl New International 1967 6378157.5 0.0818202
plessis Plessis 1817 (France) 6376523.0 0.0804333
SEasia Southeast Asia 6378155.0 0.0818133
walbeck Walbeck 6376896.0 0.0812068
WGS60 WGS 60 6378165.0 0.0818133
WGS66 WGS 66 6378145.0 0.0818202
WGS72 WGS 72 6378135.0 0.0818188
WGS84 WGS 84 6378137.0 0.0818192