Literal Characters

In any format specification, you can include literal characters. They will be output “as is” when formatting a value.


A literal character is specified by one of the following methods:

  • \c   Prefix the character with a back slash.

  • “abc”   Enclose a string of characters in double quotes.

  • Any character that is not a special symbol or cannot be part of one, is considered as being a literal character.



Format Result


#,##0.0# Frs 1 234.5 Frs
1234.5 #,##0.0# “Frs” 1 234.5 Frs
1234.5 #,##0.0# \F\r\s 1 234.5 Frs
12 jul 96 “Quarter” q Quarter 3
forms RW >@< RW Forms