Server Objects
A server object is an instance of a C++ class declaring relations, entry data members, or derived members. Relations, entry data members, and derived data members are instances of Server class templates. A class defining a Server object must directly or transitively derive from the Server classes or . Derivation must be public.
Server Objects
Instances that derive from the class are called entities. Instances that derive from the class are called basic objects. The distinction between these two types of objects is important as far as relations among objects are concerned: an entity is a root of an object structure, and, as such, it cannot be owned by another object, whereas a basic object can be owned by another object. Moreover, entities can be stored directly in a dictionary.
There can be no virtual inheritance from the classes IlsObject and IlsEntity. For instance, Class MyObject: public IlsObject whereas class MyObject: virtual public IlsObject is not supported. |
Relations are covered in Relations, and entries and computed members are explained in Entry and Derived Data Members. You will find a complete description of the classes IlsObject and IlsEntity in the Server Reference Manual.