Opening Views in the Server/Views Mapping
Within the Server/Views mapping like in any standard Server application, a dynamic view is used to represent the server object model in Views data sources. To subscribe to a part of the server object model, you must:
Design a dynamic view that uses the Server/Views mapping as a representation model. You can do so in Server Studio.
Open an instance of the view on a specific origin object from an application component.
A dynamic view used within the Server/Views mapping has the following characteristics:
It is represented by an instance of the class IlsSwRepresentation in the application component.
A panel and a Server data source can be specified as view parameters when opening the view.
It uses the Server/Views mapping classes IlsSwTable and IlsSwRow.
The Server/Views application component is also specific as it uses an instance of the class IlsSwComponent instead of the standard to identify a connection with the server.
At runtime, a Server/Views dynamic view must be associated with a Server data source that is located in a panel in the Views application. The connection is made by the IlsSwRepresentation instance, which represents the open view.
When opening a Server/Views dynamic view, you must choose between:
opening the view without any parameters;
The mode is recommended if you want to use only a default gadget container and not a user-defined panel.
This option is recommended if you want to use your own user-defined panel and to control when your panels are opened in your application.