The Tree data source is a bridge class which is notified by the server of creation, deletion, or update events occurring on the tree and its nodes. Thus, a Tree data source is also a source-events class that manages listeners. The class IlsTreeDS2JTreeAdapter provides a default implementation for all events produced by the Tree data source.
DataSourceListener: notified when a creation or update event occurs on the origin of the view, that is, the tree.
BatchListener: notified when the beginning or the end of a set of events is detected. Listening for these events is not mandatory, but it is useful to optimize operations following changes in the data source.
An adapter (IlsTreeDS2JTreeAdapter) is provided to implement all the listeners managed by the Tree data source. This adapter also interfaces a DefaultTreeModel to synchronize the data source with this tree model, according to Server notifications, and with the modification events that occur on the tree models.