

The Table data source is a bridge class which is notified by the server of creation, deletion, or update events of the table and of its rows. Thus, a table data source is also a source-events class that manages listeners. The class IlsTableDS2JTableAdapter provides a default implementation for all events produced by the table data source.


  • DataSourceListener: notified when a creation or update event occurs on the origin of the view, that is, the table.

  • BatchListener: notified when the beginning or the end of a set of events is detected. Listening for these events is not mandatory, but it is useful to optimize operations following changes in the data source.

  • TableDSListener: notified when the table model is created, or a column property is updated, or a row is added, removed, or updated.


An adapter (IlsTableDS2JTableAdapter) is provided to implement all the listeners managed by the Table data source. This adapter also interfaces a DefaultTableModel to synchronize the data source with this table model, according to Server notifications, and with modification events occurring on the table model.