

The class IlsRpTable is created whenever a representation of type IlsRpTable is created by the generic protocol, based on your view specification. Each instance of the class IlsRpTable is associated with a JavaTM data source IlsTableDataSource. This data source is notified when a creation, deletion or update event on this table is received from the server.

Table Representation Attributes

column [] (String): contains the name of the columns in the table. Note that it does not make sense to put any other type than string.

Table User-defined Properties

You can add your own table properties in the dynamic view specification. To handle these specific properties, you must derive the class IlsRpTable or IlsTableDS2JTableAdapter, or define a new adapter strategy.

subscribe origin Node:

represent IlsRpTable table:

string column[0] = "Link";

string column[1] = "Origin";

string column[2] = "Capacity";


# Property

boolean isLocked = ((locker==view.user)?true:false);

propagate nodes;