Customized Server/Views Gadgets

The Server/Views mapping introduces two new customized Views gadgets:

  • IlsSwHRefGadget, which inherits from the class IliEntryField.

If this gadget contains a HRef value, it is able to handle hyper-reference dereferencing if a user double-clicks on the HRef label. This gadget also supports drag-and-drop actions.

  • IlsSwTableGadget, which inherits from IliTableGadget.

This gadget handle hyper-reference dereferencing if a user double-clicks on a cell that contains an HRef. It also handle drag-and-drop actions, which enables you to:

  • edit a hyper-reference by dragging another hyper-reference on a cell (if that action is valid);

  • drag a complete row from a table to another to cut and paste the corresponding server object.