This is the complete list of members for IlsSwRepresentation, including all inherited members.
ackAttrUpdate(IlsRpAttributeId attrId, IlsS2CTransStatus transStatus, IlsTransactionId transId) | IlsRpObject | protectedvirtual |
ackOpenView(const IlsMvValue *ackArgv, IlsCbArgNb ackArgc) | IlsRpObject | virtual |
AddCallback(IlvSymbol *symbol, IlsSwRepresentationCallbackType, IlsAny=0, IlsSwRepresentation *=0) | IlsSwRepresentation | static |
AddCallback(IlvSymbol *symbol, IlsSwRepresentationContainerCallbackType, IlsAny=0, IlsSwRepresentation *=0) | IlsSwRepresentation | static |
addOrigin(const IlsRpObject &rpObj) | IlsRepresentation | virtual |
addValidateCallback(IlsBoolean b) | IlsSwRepresentation | |
addValidateCallback() | IlsSwRepresentation | |
afterInit() | IlsSwRepresentation | protectedvirtual |
beforeDeletion(IlsTransactionId id) | IlsRpObject | protectedvirtual |
beginC2STransaction() | IlsSwRepresentation | virtual |
BeginC2STransactionSymbol() | IlsSwRepresentation | static |
beginC2SUpdate(IlsRpUpdateType) | IlsRpObject | virtual |
beginC2SUpdate() | IlsRpObject | |
beginS2CTransaction(IlsS2CTransStatus, IlsTransactionId) | IlsSwRepresentation | virtual |
BeginS2CTransactionSymbol() | IlsSwRepresentation | static |
beginS2CUpdate(IlsS2CTransStatus, IlsTransactionId) | IlsSwRepresentation | virtual |
CbDestroy(IlvView *, IlvAny) | IlsSwRepresentation | static |
close(IlsBoolean notify) | IlsRepresentation | virtual |
closeOnNewRpInSDS(IlsBoolean b) | IlsSwRepresentation | |
closeOnNewRpInSDS() const | IlsSwRepresentation | |
CloseRepresentationsInPanel(IlvContainer *, IlsBoolean notify=IlsTrue) | IlsSwRepresentation | static |
commitC2STransaction() | IlsSwRepresentation | virtual |
CommitC2STransactionSymbol() | IlsSwRepresentation | static |
DeclareExecCallback(const IlsString &, IlsSwExecCallbackType) | IlsSwRepresentation | static |
deleteRpObject(IlsRpObject *) | IlsSwRepresentation | virtual |
discardC2SUpdate() | IlsRpObject | virtual |
endC2SUpdate() | IlsRpObject | virtual |
endS2CTransaction(IlsS2CTransStatus, IlsTransactionId) | IlsSwRepresentation | virtual |
EndS2CTransactionSymbol() | IlsSwRepresentation | static |
endS2CUpdate(IlsS2CTransStatus, IlsTransactionId) | IlsSwRepresentation | virtual |
execAsyncCallback(const IlsString &funNm, IlsMvValue *args=0, IlsCbArgNb argsNb=0, IlsBoolean inTrans=IlsTrue, IlsBoolean freeArgs=IlsFalse) | IlsRpObject | virtual |
execDuplexCallback(const IlsString &funNm, IlsMvValue *args, IlsCbArgNb argsNb, const IlsString &duplexFunNm, IlsMvValue *duplexArgs=0, IlsCbArgNb duplexNbArgs=0, IlsCbArgNb resultIndex=0, IlsBoolean inTrans=IlsTrue, IlsBoolean freeArgs=IlsFalse) | IlsRpObject | virtual |
execSyncCallback(const IlsString &funNm, IlsMvValue *args, IlsCbArgNb argsNb, IlsMvValue &result, IlsBoolean freeArgs=IlsFalse) | IlsRpObject | virtual |
GadgetContainerInitializedCallbackSymbol() | IlsSwRepresentation | static |
getAttributeId(const IlsString &label) const | IlsRpObject | |
getAttributeId(const IlsString &label, int index) const | IlsRpObject | |
getAttributeType(IlsRpAttributeId) const | IlsRpObject | |
getComponent() const | IlsRepresentation | |
GetExecCallback(const IlsString &) | IlsSwRepresentation | static |
getId() const | IlsRepresentation | |
getLabel() const | IlsRepresentation | virtual |
getMainDataSource(const IlsString &rpName) | IlsSwRepresentation | |
getModel() const | IlsRepresentation | |
getObject(IlsRpObjectId id) | IlsRepresentation | |
getObjects(int &count) | IlsRepresentation | |
getObjectsCount() const | IlsRepresentation | |
getPanel() const | IlsSwRepresentation | virtual |
getPropertyDataSource(const IlsString &rpName) | IlsSwRepresentation | |
getReference() const | IlsRpObject | |
getRepresentation() const | IlsRpObject | |
getResourceName() | IlsSwRepresentation | |
getServerDataSource() const | IlsSwRepresentation | |
getTables(int &count) | IlsSwRepresentation | |
getViewType() | IlsSwRepresentation | |
IlsRepresentation(IlsMvComponent &, const IlsRpModel &) | IlsRepresentation | protected |
IlsRpObject::IlsRpObject(IlsRepresentation &rp, const IlsRpObjModel &model) | IlsRpObject | protected |
IlsRpObject::IlsRpObject(const IlsRpObject &collectorOwner, IlsRpAttributeId collectorAttrId, const IlsRpObjModel *model=0, IlsBoolean endUpdate=IlsTrue) | IlsRpObject | protected |
IlsSwRepresentation(IlsMvComponent &, const IlsRpModel &) | IlsSwRepresentation | |
IlvReadCallbackSymbol() | IlsSwRepresentation | static |
inFormIndexToServerIndex(IlvInt i) | IlsSwRepresentation | |
isBad() const | IlsSwRepresentation | |
isEditable(IlsRpAttributeId id, IlsEditRights::Value right=IlsEditRights::DEFAULT_EDIT) const | IlsRpObject | |
isInC2STransaction() | IlsRepresentation | |
isInC2SUpdate() | IlsRpObject | |
isInS2CTransaction() | IlsRepresentation | |
isLocalHRef(IlsRpAttributeId id) | IlsRpObject | |
isMatchingHRef(IlsRpAttributeId id, const IlsRpObject *newHRefOwner, IlsRpAttributeId newHRef) | IlsRpObject | virtual |
isMatchingRef(IlsRpAttributeId id, const IlsRpObject *newTarget) | IlsRpObject | virtual |
IsPropertyDataSource(IliDataSource *ds) | IlsSwRepresentation | static |
newRpObject(IlsRepresentation &repres, IlsRpObjModel &model) | IlsRepresentation | virtual |
onAddToCollection(const IlsRpObject &collectorOwner, IlsRpAttributeId collectorId) | IlsRpObject | virtual |
onCloseSDS() | IlsSwRepresentation | virtual |
onCreation(const IlsMvValue *ackArgv, IlsCbArgNb ackArgc) | IlsSwRepresentation | virtual |
onDereference(IlsRpAttributeId id, IlsMvValue *argv=0, IlsCbArgNb argc=0, IlsBoolean force=IlsFalse) | IlsRpObject | virtual |
onDereference(IlsRpAttributeId id, IlsMvValue *argv, IlsCbArgNb argc, IlsMvValue *ackArgv, IlsCbArgNb ackArgc, IlsCbArgNb resultIndex, IlsBoolean force=IlsFalse) | IlsRpObject | virtual |
onNewRpInSDS(const IlsString &viewName) | IlsSwRepresentation | virtual |
onNullifyRef(IlsRpAttributeId id) | IlsRpObject | virtual |
onRmFromCollection(const IlsRpObject &collectorOwner, IlsRpAttributeId collectorId, IlsBoolean isDestroyed=IlsFalse) | IlsRpObject | virtual |
onRmRepresentation() | IlsRpObject | virtual |
onSuppress(IlsBoolean isDestroyed=IlsFalse) | IlsRpObject | virtual |
onUpdate(IlsRpAttributeId id, IlsBoolean value) | IlsRpObject | virtual |
onUpdate(IlsRpAttributeId id, char value) | IlsRpObject | virtual |
onUpdate(IlsRpAttributeId id, short value) | IlsRpObject | virtual |
onUpdate(IlsRpAttributeId id, long value) | IlsRpObject | virtual |
onUpdate(IlsRpAttributeId id, float value) | IlsRpObject | virtual |
onUpdate(IlsRpAttributeId id, double value) | IlsRpObject | virtual |
onUpdate(IlsRpAttributeId id, const IlsString &value) | IlsRpObject | virtual |
onUpdate(IlsRpAttributeId id, IlsAny value) | IlsRpObject | virtual |
onUpdate(IlsRpAttributeId id, const IlsMvUserType &value) | IlsRpObject | virtual |
onUpdate(IlsRpAttributeId id, const IlsRpObject &objRef) | IlsRpObject | virtual |
onUpdate(IlsRpAttributeId id, const IlsRpObject &newHRefOwner, IlsRpAttributeId newHRef) | IlsRpObject | virtual |
openView(const IlsString &viewName, IlsMvValue *argv=0, IlsCbArgNb argc=0, IlsBoolean force=IlsFalse) | IlsRpObject | virtual |
openView(const IlsString &viewName, IlsMvValue *argv, IlsCbArgNb argc, IlsMvValue *ackArgv, IlsCbArgNb ackArgc, IlsCbArgNb resultIndex, IlsBoolean force=IlsFalse) | IlsRpObject | virtual |
ownsPanel() | IlsSwRepresentation | |
ownsPanel(IlsBoolean b) | IlsSwRepresentation | |
raiseOnSetSelection(IlsBoolean b) | IlsSwRepresentation | |
raiseOnSetSelection() const | IlsSwRepresentation | |
RemoveCallback(IlvSymbol *symbol, IlsSwRepresentationCallbackType, IlsAny=0, IlsSwRepresentation *=0) | IlsSwRepresentation | static |
RemoveCallback(IlvSymbol *symbol, IlsSwRepresentationContainerCallbackType, IlsAny=0, IlsSwRepresentation *=0) | IlsSwRepresentation | static |
removeOrigin(const IlsRpObject &rpObj) | IlsRepresentation | virtual |
RepresentationCreatedSymbol() | IlsSwRepresentation | static |
RepresentationDestroyedSymbol() | IlsSwRepresentation | static |
resetBufferMode(IlsBoolean notify=IlsTrue) | IlsRepresentation | virtual |
rollbackC2STransaction() | IlsSwRepresentation | virtual |
RollbackC2STransactionSymbol() | IlsSwRepresentation | static |
serverIndexToInFormIndex(IlsSvInt i) | IlsSwRepresentation | |
setAny(IlsRpAttributeId id, IlsAny value) | IlsRpObject | virtual |
setBoolean(IlsRpAttributeId id, IlsBoolean value) | IlsRpObject | virtual |
setBufferMode(IlsBoolean incremental=IlsTrue) | IlsRepresentation | virtual |
setChar(IlsRpAttributeId id, char value) | IlsRpObject | virtual |
setConstAttribute(IlsRpAttributeId) | IlsRpObject | |
setConstAttributes() | IlsRpObject | |
setDouble(IlsRpAttributeId id, double value) | IlsRpObject | virtual |
setFloat(IlsRpAttributeId id, float value) | IlsRpObject | virtual |
setHRef(IlsRpAttributeId id, const IlsString &hrefLabel) | IlsRpObject | virtual |
setIconTitle(const IlsString &) | IlsSwRepresentation | virtual |
setLong(IlsRpAttributeId id, long value) | IlsRpObject | virtual |
setMainOrigin(const IlsRpObject *rpObjP, IlsBoolean keepOldOrigin=IlsFalse) | IlsRepresentation | virtual |
setMapping(const IlsRpObject &cousin) | IlsRpObject | virtual |
setReference(IlsRpAttributeId id, const IlsRpObject *objectPtr) | IlsRpObject | virtual |
setRpStatus(IlsRpStatus) | IlsRpObject | virtual |
setSelection() | IlsSwRepresentation | virtual |
setShort(IlsRpAttributeId id, short value) | IlsRpObject | virtual |
setString(IlsRpAttributeId id, const IlsString &value) | IlsRpObject | virtual |
setTitle(const IlsString &) | IlsSwRepresentation | virtual |
setUserTypeValue(IlsRpAttributeId id, IlsMvUserType &value) | IlsRpObject | virtual |
synchronize() | IlsRepresentation | |
testCollection(const IlsRpObject &collectorOwner, IlsRpAttributeId collectorId) | IlsRpObject | virtual |
transferState(IlsSwRepresentation &oldRepres, IlsBoolean transferCallbacks=IlsTrue) | IlsSwRepresentation | protectedvirtual |
~IlsRepresentation() | IlsRepresentation | virtual |
~IlsRpObject() | IlsRpObject | protectedvirtual |
~IlsSwRepresentation() | IlsSwRepresentation | virtual |