Gadgets > Rogue Wave Views Gadgets > Customizing the Look and Feel > Understanding the Architecture > IlvObjectLFHandler
Once a gadget has retrieved its look-and-feel handler, it must ask its specific object look-and-feel handler. This object look-and-feel handler is implemented by means of the IlvObjectLFHandler class. Each component that needs to be look-and-feel dependant must create a subclass of the IlvObjectLFHandler class.
Getting a Pointer to an IlvObjectLFHandler Object
The IlvLookFeelHandler class handles a hash table of IlvObjectLFHandler. Each instance of the IlvObjectLFHandler class can be retrieved using its class information. For example, the following code retrieves the object look-and-feel handler of the IlvButton class:
IlvLookFeelHandler lfh = display->getLookFeelHandler();
IlvButtonLFHandler* buttonLF = (IlvButtonLFHandler*)
Note: The value returned by getObjectLFHandler is cast into an IlvButtonLFHandler pointer, which is the base class for button object look-and-feel handlers.
After retrieving a pointer to its specific object look-and-feel handler, the button can draw itself using the following code:
IlvButton::draw(IlvPort* dst,
const IlvTransformer* t,
const IlvRegion* clip) const
IlvButtonLFHandler* lfhandler = (IlvButtonLFHandler*)
lfhandler->draw(this, dst, t, clip);

Version 6.0
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