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IlvIndexedBitmapData Member List

This is the complete list of members for IlvIndexedBitmapData, including all inherited members.

blend(const IlvBitmapData *src, const IlvRect &srcrect, const IlvPoint &to, IlUChar blend)IlvBitmapDatavirtual
blendPixel(IlUInt xdst, IlUInt ydst, const IlvBitmapData *src, IlUInt xsrc, IlUInt ysrc, IlUChar blend)IlvBitmapDatavirtual
copy(const IlvBitmapData *src, const IlvRect &srcrect, const IlvPoint &to)IlvBitmapDatavirtual
copyPixel(IlUInt xdst, IlUInt ydst, const IlvBitmapData *src, IlUInt xsrc, IlUInt ysrc)IlvBitmapDatavirtual
fill(const IlvRect &rect, IlUChar r, IlUChar g, IlUChar b, IlUChar a=255)IlvBitmapDatavirtual
getByteWidth() const IlvBitmapData
getColorMap() const IlvIndexedBitmapData
getCount() const IlvBitmapData
getData() const IlvBitmapData
getDepth() const IlvBitmapData
getHeight() const IlvBitmapData
getInformation() const IlvBitmapData
getMask() const IlvBitmapDatavirtual
getPadding() const IlvBitmapData
getRGBPixel(IlUInt x, IlUInt y, IlUChar &r, IlUChar &g, IlUChar &b) const IlvIndexedBitmapDatavirtual
getRGBPixels(const IlvRect &rect, IlUInt &size, IlUChar *data=0) const IlvIndexedBitmapDatavirtual
getRowStartData(IlUInt idx) const IlvBitmapData
getTransparentIndex() const IlvIndexedBitmapData
getWidth() const IlvBitmapData
hasMask() const IlvBitmapData
IlvBitmapData(IlUInt width, IlUInt height, IlUShort depth, IlUInt padding=32)IlvBitmapData
IlvIndexedBitmapData(IlUInt width, IlUInt height, IlvColorMap *cmap=0)IlvIndexedBitmapData
setColorMap(IlvColorMap *colormap)IlvIndexedBitmapData
setInformation(IlvBitmapInformation *info)IlvBitmapData
setMask(IlvBWBitmapData *mask)IlvBitmapDatavirtual
setPixel(IlUInt x, IlUInt y, IlUChar pixel)IlvIndexedBitmapDatavirtual
setPixels(IlUChar *data, IlUInt byteWidth, const IlvRect &rect, const IlvPoint &to)IlvIndexedBitmapDatavirtual
setRGBPixel(IlUInt x, IlUInt y, IlUChar r, IlUChar g, IlUChar b)IlvIndexedBitmapDatavirtual
setRGBPixels(IlUChar *data, IlUInt byteWidth, const IlvRect &rect, const IlvPoint &to)IlvIndexedBitmapDatavirtual
setTransparentIndex(IlInt index)IlvIndexedBitmapData
stretch(const IlvIndexedBitmapData *srcdata, const IlvRect &srcrect, const IlvRect &dstrect)IlvIndexedBitmapData

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