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IliSQLCatalog Member List

This is the complete list of members for IliSQLCatalog, including all inherited members.

appendTableDef(IliSQLTableDef *def)IliSQLCatalog
getDisplay() const IliSQLCatalog
getTableDef(IlInt p) const IliSQLCatalog
getTableDef(IlInt p)IliSQLCatalog
getTableDef(const IliSQLTableRef &ref) const IliSQLCatalog
getTableDef(const IliSQLTableRef &ref)IliSQLCatalog
getTableDefIndex(const IliSQLTableRef &ref) const IliSQLCatalog
getTableDefIndex(const IliSQLTableDef *tdef) const IliSQLCatalog
getTableDefsCount() const IliSQLCatalog
IliSQLCatalog(IlvDisplay *display)IliSQLCatalog
IliSQLCatalog(const IliSQLCatalog &)IliSQLCatalog
insertTableDef(IlInt pos, IliSQLTableDef *def)IliSQLCatalog
read(IL_STDPREF istream &input)IliSQLCatalog
removeTableDef(IlInt index, IlBoolean deleteIt=IlTrue)IliSQLCatalog
write(IL_STDPREF ostream &output) const IliSQLCatalog

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