Views Gantt Chart Classes

New Classes and Methods

IlvGanttChart has the following new classes:

  • IlvGanttLineReliefGrid

  • IlvGanttResourceGrid

  • IlvGanttRowGrid

  • IlvGanttCalendarGrid

IlvGanttChart has the following new public methods:

  • IlvPalette* getGridPalette();

  • void setGridPalette(IlvPalette*);

  • IlBoolean isDrawingGrapherViewBorders();

  • void setDrawingGrapherViewBorders(IlBoolean);

  • IlSymbol* WorkAreaCallbackType();

  • IlvRect& getWorkArea(IlvRect& area);

  • IlvRect& getLineArea(IlvRect& area);

  • IlvGraphic* setLineGrid(IlvGraphic* grid, IlvBoolean redraw, IlInt layer);

  • IlvGraphic* getLineGrid();

  • IlvGraphic* setRowGrid(IlvGraphic* grid, IlvBoolean redraw, IlInt layer);

  • IlvGraphic* getRowGrid() const;

  • void setDoubleBuffering(IlBoolean);

  • IlBoolean isDoubleBuffering() const;


The signatures of the following methods of IlvGanttChartForm have been changed:

  • IlvGraphic* setCompositeScale(IlvGraphic*, IlBoolean, IlBoolean);

  • IlvGraphic* getCompositeScale() const;

  • IlvGraphic* setCompositeGrid(IlvGraphic*, IlvBoolean);

  • IlvGraphic* getCompositeGrid() const;

Behavior Changes

IlvGanttChart::rowResized(IlvUShort, IlvPos) calls the new “Work Area” callback.

The default layer for the Gantt lines is changed from 0 to 1.

  • void addLine(IlvGanttLine* line, IlBoolean redraw,int layer=1);

  • void insertLine(IlvGanttLine* line, IlUShort row, IlBoolean redraw, int layer=1);

Deprecated Methods

IlvGanttChartForm::setCompositeGrid() is deprecated. Use IlvGanttChart::setRowGrid() instead.


In the sample folder of the Gantt module, <ILVHOME>/samples/gantt, the load and month samples are considerably revised. Two new samples, simple and calendar, are added.

Bug Fixes

Views Gantt had the following bugs that are now fixed:

  • psDump dumping the grids of the grapher views.

  • The IlvGanttChart could not be properly resized before it was added to a container.

  • IlvGanttChart could not switch to mono view interactively by dragging the handle between the grapher views.