Views 7.0 library updates

  • Geometry classes moved to ilvgeometry library — Geometry class including IlvLinearGradientGeometry, IlvRadialGradientGeometry, and IlvGradientGeometry have been moved to new ilvgeometry library. If you use these classes you need to link with this new library.

  • Link EASTL library — Views 7.0 relies on the open source EASTL library. Link as a shared library using on Linux/UNIX or EASTL.dll on Windows. You can also link it statically using libEASTL.a on Linux/UNIX and EASTL.lib on Windows. This new library must be linked with your Views application.

  • Link Modest CSS engine shared library — Views 7.0 CSS Look-and-Feel functionality relies on the Modest open source library. Link with on Linux/UNIX and libmodest.dll on Windows. This library must be linked as a shared dynamic library.

  • zlib library — An embedded zlib library is no longer provided on Linux (, ilog.a) or Windows (ilog.dll, ilog.lib). You can still access zlib functionality using a static library on Linux (libz.a) or Windows (zlib.lib). Views could no longer provide a shared zlib library due to possible conflicts with system installed zlib libraries. You can find zlib headers in the include/zlib directory and, for CMake based applications, the zlibstatic CMake target in the ifc-config.cmake file.