New Features

The following new features have been added to Views 7.1:

Views Installer Keys

The Views installation process now requires installer keys to install Views and its products. Contact to request a download of Views 7.1 and your product specific installation keys. See the Views Quick Start Guide for detailed instructions and how to provide your installer keys during installation.


Control Handling of Shortcut Keys on Popup Menus

By default, shortcut key sequences are not handled when a pop-up menu is displayed. To change this behavior the environment variable ILVGREEDYACCELERATORS can be used. Set the variable to “ON” to turn on the behavior.


Graph Layout and Charts Components Moved to Separate Packages

The graph_layout and charts components were moved to separate packages in cmake for consistency with other components. The find_package(graph_layout) and find_package(charts) cmake commands can be used to import the graph_layout and charts targets in cmake projects.


Resource Class Definition Location Change

The resource class definitions for the following classes were moved to their respective header files in include/ilviews/base/resources:

IlvResource, IlvLineStyle, IlvColor, IlvFont, IlvCursor, IlvPattern, IlvPalette, IlvPushClip


Platform Changes

In addition to the great new features, Views continues to move forward in its support of operating systems and compilers including the added support for Visual Studio 2022, Windows 11, and Solaris SPARC. See the Views 7.1 Platform Guide for complete details on the supported platforms.


Third-Party Software Updates

Views’ use of zlib, libpng, libjpeg, openjpeg, and libtiff were all updated to the latest versions as part of the Views 7.1 release.


Third-party library updates

The following third-party libraries used by Views were updated in this release to avoid any known security vulnerabilities in previous versions.

  • libpng — Updated to version 1.6.37.

  • libjpg — Updated to version 9d.


Bug Fixes and Performance Improvements

Numerous bug fixes and performance improvements have been made to Views in this release.