Gantt Features

Following is a summary of the new features for Views Gantt in version 5.0:

  • There is support for time scales in IlvGanttChartForm. You can use the time scales provided by the Foundation module in IlvGanttChartForm. A dynamic calendar grid, IlvGanttCalendarGrid, is also provided. See the sample <ILVHOME>/samples/gantt/calendar for details.

  • New grid family classes have been added to the Gantt chart.

  • The look of the grids displayed in the grapher views can be customized by specifying an IlvPalette.

  • The grapher views have thin borders.

  • You can enable tooltips on Gantt nodes.

  • IlvGanttSelectInteractor allows you select and move not only Gantt nodes but also Gantt lines.

  • The handle between grapher views has been changed from an IlvFilledRectangle to an IlvReliefDiamond in order to get a better look and to better use the space between grapher views.

  • A new callback “Work Area” is added to IlvGanttChart to notify the work area changes.

  • New samples have been added. Existing samples have been considerably revised.

  • The Views Gantt Users’ Manual has been extensively rewritten.