Bug Fixes

The following bug fixes have been made:

  • VIEWS-13807: [Xft] Wrong string size computed with EUC-JP encoding.

  • VIEWS-13953: Unsorted dataset causes IlvPolylineChartDisplayer not to draw some data.

  • VIEWS-14185: IlvColorSelector is missing IlvFrame include.

  • VIEWS-14209: [Xft] Memory leak when destroying an IlvView.

  • VIEWS-14379: [Xft] Layer transparency (alpha) is not propagated to text.

  • VIEWS-14421: IlvFileChooser and IlvFileBrowser crash when some directories are not readable.

  • VIEWS-14455: MGRS conversion error at some coordinates in Views Maps.

  • VIEWS-14492: IlvPNGStreamer writes incorrect bitmaps.

  • VIEWS-14556: Problem with the projection Azimuthal Equidistant with WGS84 Ellipsoid.

  • VIEWS-14598: [Prototype] Take into account the top-level transform of IlvTransformedGraphic.

  • VIEWS-14599: [Prototype] Applying transform loses rotation information. Removing transform toggle automatically applies it.

  • VIEWS-14614: Regression when reading a shapefile (Number_format_error).

  • VIEWS-14658: IlvFilledArc drawing is slightly larger than its bounding box.

  • VIEWS-14671: IlvProtoGraphic::isVisible does not take in account the visibility status of IlvProtoInstance.

  • VIEWS-14779: Incorrect conversion from the MGRS string to IlvCoordinate.

  • VIEWS-14797: No map is projected when the Azimuthal Equidistant projection is selected.

  • VIEWS-14806: For Azimuthal projection, projection center does not change.

  • VIEWS-14989: [XFT] CPU consumption increases when XFT is activated.

  • VIEWS-15009: IlvDisplay::putBitmapData behaves differently on RHEL 7 than on RHEL 5.

  • VIEWS-15095: Top-level window does not raise after it has been iconified.

  • VIEWS-15107: The IlvNoTitleBar property in the IlvViewFrame constructor causes a crash.

  • VIEWS-15156: Memory leak on RHEL when redrawing a button.

  • VIEWS-15167: IlvDisplay::putBitmapData behave differently on RHEL 7 than on RHEL 5 (7.0).

  • VIEWS-15212: Round rectangles are not properly drawn on Unix when Cairo is activated.

  • VIEWS-15280: The shadow thickness property of a label with shadow element can accept negative integers, causing the text to disappear.

  • VIEWS-15315: Inconsistency in the layer management code.

  • VIEWS-15346: When the mouse leaves a view too quickly no IlvLeaveWindow event is picked up by an event hook.

  • VIEWS-15423: IlvViewFrame does not raise properly on Linux.

  • VIEWS-15468: Using too many guides for attachments introduces a small space at the bottom of the view when resized vertically.

  • VIEWS-15549: List of named colors in the color picker is badly refreshed.

  • VIEWS-15579: The default anti-aliasing mode cannot be set on Linux.

  • VIEWS-15594: Studio crashes when running on a Japanese locale.

  • VIEWS-15608: The IlvPort::drawLabel length parameter use was not consistent with the documentation for UTF-8 strings. Its use now matches the behavior described in the documentation.

  • VIEWS-15630: IlvViewFrame subview not resized when IlvViewFrame::resize is called.

  • VIEWS-15817: Graphic objects are not redrawn when their gradient pattern is modified.

  • VIEWS-15886: IlvViewFrame resize callback called before IlvViewFrame client size is updated.

  • VIEWS-15945: Only the first tooltip is displayed in an IlvGrapher.

  • VIEWS-16127: STUDIO: Save as .ilv doesn't write layers.

  • VIEWS-16129: Calling IlvViewFrame::maximizeFrame() freezes the application.

  • VIEWS-16299: IlvTreeGadget::shrinkItem triggers a redraw when redraw=IlvFalse.

  • VIEWS-16465: Extend Japanese encodings to JIS X 0213 code points on Linux.

  • VIEWS-16467: IlvToggle::setSensitive( IlFalse ), text color is invisible on a dark background.

  • VIEWS-16784: Corruption of module loader causes crash on exit.

  • VIEWS-16982: IlvGanttChart::swapLines performs badly on Linux.

  • VIEWS-17038: [Regression] readBitmap cannot read first bitmap with static libraries.

  • VIEWS-17440: [Regression] IlvMessageLabel is not printed at the proper size.

  • VIEWS-17772: After calling IlvManagerMagViewInteractor::adjustView() the view shifts by (2,2) pixels.

  • VIEWS-17794: Background color for IlvButton object changed.

  • VIEWS-17807: View rectangle causes issues with Japanese IME input.