Bug Fixes

The following bug fixes have been made:

  • VIEWS-17294: Purify reports invalid writes of size 1 when deleting a hidden modal view.

  • VIEWS-13938: [XFT] Font metrics in Views are not consistent with the documentation.

  • VIEWS-18205: Loading an ILV file containing a prototype with an empty name crashes the Studio.

  • VIEWS-18446: The inertia timer of the IlvNavigationInteractor causes a crash.

  • VIEWS-18467: Crash reported in vsbinter.cpp due to division by zero error.

  • VIEWS-18536: Views Studio crashes upon choosing a font.

  • VIEWS-18711: Views Studio crashes while opening a proto library file.

  • VIEWS-18884: Unable to dynamically load ilvxft and ilvcairo with Views.

  • VIEWS-19227: [Unix] In Views, switch on mouse wheel support by default and add a way to switch it off.

  • VIEWS-19837: Fixed issue with handling single-byte and multi-byte strings in IlPathName that leads to failures in loading Views libraries.