Managing View Frames

This section covers the following topics:

Creating a Client View

When created, a view frame has no client view. To add a client view to a view frame, you must create a child window inside it:

IlvGadgetContainer* clientView =

new IlvGadgetContainer(vframe, IlvRect(0, 0, 200, 200));

The view frame is resized to fit the client view geometry.


The client view can be any instance of any subclass of IlvView.

To know the client view associated with a view frame, use:

IlvView* clientView = vframe->getClient();


A view frame should only handle one client view.

Changing the Title Bar

The title bar consists of an icon, a title, and three buttons.

The Title Bar of a View Frame

To change the icon of the title bar, use the method setIcon:

IlvBitmap* bitmap = ...


To change its title, use the method setTitle:

vframe->setTitle("Frame Title");

The three buttons to the right of the title bar are used to switch to one of the three states that a frame can have. These are detailed below.

Changing the View Frame Menu

Each view frame has a pop-up menu that is displayed when you click the icon located on the left end of the title bar.

The Pop-up Menu of a View Frame

By default, the pop-up menu of a view frame contains the following choices: Restore, Minimize, Maximize, and Close. You can however add new items to it.

To access this menu, use:

IlvPopupMenu* popup = vframe->getMenu();