Gadgets Libraries

For each gadget that you want to use in your application you have to include the appropriate header file. Header files for gadgets can be found in the following directory:


You must also link your application with the following gadget library:

  • ilvgadgt.lib for Microsoft® Windows® platforms

  • libilvgadgt for UNIX® platforms

If you are using advanced gadgets, you must link your application with the following gadget library:

  • ilvadvgdt.lib for Microsoft Windows platforms

  • libilvadvgdt for UNIX platforms

To know whether a gadget class is located in the standard or advanced gadget library, refer to the Reference Manual.


The gadget libraries use resources that are located under the ILVHOME directory. If you do not want to set ILVHOME, or if Views is not installed on the target computer, you must add those resources to your application.

You must also link your application with the look-and-feel gadgets libraries, depending on the look and feel your application will use. By default, an application ran on UNIX will use the ViewsX look, and an application ran on Windows will use one of the provided Windows looks. See the section Gadgets Look and Feel for details.