The IlvPrintableLayout Class

IlvPrintableLayout is an abstract class that is the base class for describing page layouts. It defines a usable area by specifying left, right, top, bottom, and gutter margins.

It defines five subareas within the usable area and associates them with printables:

  • The main area that will be used to print the main printable.

You can choose to stretch the printable to the usable area or to keep the printable aspect ratio.

  • The header area that will be used to print a header printable.

  • The footer area that will be used to print a footer printable.

  • The background area that will be printed behind the main area.

  • The foreground area that will be printed in front of the main area.

The dimensions of the header and footer areas can be specified.

Predefined layouts are:

This layout defines a virtual page that spans through the multiple pages. The header area is defined at the top of the virtual page, the footer area at the bottom of the virtual page.

This layout inherits from IlvPrintableLayoutMultiplePages and uses whatever number of pages are necessary.

This layout inherits from IlvPrintableLayoutMultiplePages and uses whatever number of pages are necessary.