IlvView Subclasses

The subclasses of IlvView, completing that portion of the Class-Oriented View Hierarchy, are as follows:

The IlvElasticView Class

The IlvElasticView class offers the same capabilities as IlvView except that, when instances of this class are resized, they resize their children in an elastic manner. This is a special IlvView class available for a view containing other views for which you want automatic resizing.

The IlvDrawingView Class

Another subclass of IlvView is IlvDrawingView. The IlvDrawingView class has predefined member functions for handling incoming events such as expose and resize events.

The IlvContainer Class

The IlvContainer class is the first class in the Class-Oriented View Hierarchy that coordinates the storage and display of graphic objects. Numerous specialized subclasses are described in Containers.