Fatal Errors


This list is incomplete and only presents the most common messages.

xxx was called with no arguments

In an arithmetic expression execution, the indicated predefined function should be called with at least one parameter.

Bad image description header

Unrecognizable bitmap header in an XPM file.

Bad image colors description

Unrecognizable color descriptor in an XPM file.

Cannot open xxx for writing

This indicated filename could not be opened for writing. The UNIX version gives more information.

couldn’t open dump file

Could not open dump file for writing.

couldn’t open xxx

The indicated filename cannot be opened for reading or writing.

File xxx has a bad format.

The indicated filename is not a Views data file.

File Views versions do not match

You are trying to read a Views data file that was produced with a later version than the library you are running.

Format not implemented.

This BMP format is not implemented.

IlvBitmap::read: couldn’t open file xxx

IlvDisplay::readBitmap: couldn’t open file xxx

The indicated filename could not be opened for reading.

IlvBitmap::read: bad format xxx

Could not read file as a predefined format (XBM, XPM or PBM P0 or P4).

IlvBitmap::read: unknown color index xxx

This indicates a bad color allocation.

IlvBitmap::save: couldn’t open file xxx

Could not open file for writing.

IlvBitmap::saveAscii: Too many colors for ascii format


Too many colors were allocated to read this bitmap with all the required colors. Views will try to find the closest existing colors to represent the image as accurately as possible.

IlvContainer::readFile: couldn’t open file xxx (check ILVPATH)

Specified file could not be loaded. Check your ILVPATH environment variable.

IlvContainer::read: wrong format

The file contents could not be loaded.

IlvDisplay::readAsciiBitmap: wrong type xxx

In readAsciiBitmap this is not a recognized file type.

IlvDisplay::readBitmap: unknown format xxx

The indicated file does not contain a known bitmap format.

IlvEventPlayer::load: couldn’t open xxx

Could not open event file for reading.

IlvEventPlayer::save: couldn’t open xxx

Could not open event file for writing.

IlvGetViewInteractor: xxx not registered

The indicated view interactor class name is not registered. You may need to add a call to the macro IlvLoadViewInteractor.

IlvGifFile() - xxx

A GIF error message. Self explanatory.

IlvInputFile::readNext: unknown class: xxx

The indicated class is unknown by your binary. Try to include the header file where this class appears in one of your modules source file.

IlvInputFile::readObject: bad format for: xxx

Not a valid Views header.

IlvInputFile::readObjectBlock: no object

An object block could not be successfully read.

IlvManagerViewInteractor: no such view

You tried to set a view interactor to a view that is not connected to the manager.

IlvReadAttribute: unknown attribute class xxx

The indicated attribute class name does not match a known class. You may need to register this attribute class.

IlvReadPBMBitmap: bad format

The header of the PBM file is wrong.

IlvReadPBMBitmap: unknown bitmap format

Wrong PBM format. Known formats are P1 to P6.

IlvPSDevice::drawTransparentBitmap: cannot use image mask

Trying to dump a transparent bitmap that actually is a colored image.

IlvPSDevice::setCurrentPalette: file not opened

The dump file is not opened, but the dump process has started!

IlvVariable::setFormula: error in xxx

There has been an error when trying to read the formula.

IlvVariableContainer::connect: unknown attribute class xxx

IlvVariableManager::connect: unknown attribute class xxx

Need to register this attribute’s type. This error message is deprecated.

Not an Views data file

The indicated file is not a Views data file.

Not a valid Views message database file

read could not convert this file contents into a database format.

Not a XPM format

Not a valid XPM format. Views can read XPM 2 and C-coded formats.

PolyPoints with zero points

Trying to create an empty polypoints object.

ReadAsciiColorBitmap: couldn’t open xxx

Could not open file for reading.

ReadMonochromeX11Bitmap: couldn’t read bitmap. Data=xxx

Only occurs on Microsoft Windows versions. Could not read XBM bitmap file.

Unknown bitmap format: xxx

In IlvBitmap::read: unknown bitmap format.

Unknown event type: xxx

Reading an event file: could not find a match with a know event type.

Unknown requested type xxx in isSubtypeOf

The parameter to IlvGraphic::isSubtypeOf is not a known class.

Unknown proposed type xxx in isSubtypeOf

The class name of the object that called isSubtypeOf is invalid.