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This is the complete list of members for IlvDockable, including all inherited members.
acceptDocking(const IlvDockableContainer *container, IlUInt index) const | IlvDockable | virtual |
dock(IlvDockableContainer *container, IlUInt index, const IlvRect &rect) | IlvDockable | virtual |
GetDockable(const IlvPane *pane) | IlvDockable | static |
getDockingDirection() const | IlvDockable | |
getPane() const | IlvDockable | |
getTitle() const | IlvDockable | |
IlvDockable(IlvPane *pane=0) | IlvDockable | |
isDocked() const | IlvDockable | |
SetDockable(IlvPane *pane, IlvDockable *dockable) | IlvDockable | static |
setDockingDirection(IlvDirection direction) | IlvDockable | |
setPane(IlvPane *pane) | IlvDockable | |
setTitle(const char *title) | IlvDockable | |
unDock(const IlvRect &rect, IlBoolean show=IlTrue) | IlvDockable | virtual |