This is the complete list of members for IlvPaperFormat, including all inherited members.
Get(IlString const &name) | IlvPaperFormat | static |
Get(IlUShort dmPaperSize) | IlvPaperFormat | static |
getDmPaperSize() const | IlvPaperFormat | |
getName() const | IlvPaperFormat | |
getPaperHeight() const | IlvPaperFormat | |
getPaperSize() const | IlvPaperFormat | |
getPaperWidth() const | IlvPaperFormat | |
GetRegisteredPaperFormats(IlUInt &count) | IlvPaperFormat | static |
LoadFromXML(ILVSTDPREF istream &stream) | IlvPaperFormat | static |
Register(IlString const &name, IlvDim width, IlvDim height) | IlvPaperFormat | static |
setDmPaperSize(IlUShort dmPaperSize) | IlvPaperFormat | |
UnRegister(IlvPaperFormat *format) | IlvPaperFormat | static |