Views 7.0 API Porting Suggestions
*IlvGraphic::isVisible() changed to a virtual method — If you override IlvGraphic and implement the isVisible method you must now change it to a virtual method.
*geometry.h header file change — Any includes for the header file ilvviews/base/geometry.h need to change to ilvviews/base/geometry/IlvBaseGeometry.h.
*IlvPopupMenu::isVisible() renamed to IlvPopupMenu::isMenuShown() — If you implemented the virtual method isVisible on class IlvPopupMenu you will need to rename it to isMenuShown.
*IlvViewRectangle::isVisible() renamed to IlvViewRectangle::isViewVisible() — If you implemented the virtual method isVisible on class IlvViewRectangle you will need to rename it to isViewVisible.
*void IlvViewRectangle::show() deprecated and replaced by showView() — Method IlvViewRectangle::show() has been deprecated and is replaced by showView().
*void IlvViewRectangle::hide() deprecated and replaced by hideView() — Method IlvViewRectangle::hide() has been deprecated and is replaced by hideView().
*Palette class refactored — The Palette class has been heavily refactored and many of the getter functions now return const IlvPalette * instead of IlvPalette. When the Views team ported Views Studio 6.3 to 7.0 this was the only area of impact to the source code.
*IlvDisplay methods refactored into IlvDisplay::fontManager() — The following list of IlvDisplay members are deprecated and have been moved into IlvDisplay::fontManager().
IlBoolean makeFont(IlvFont*, const char* realname = 0);
IlvFont* createSystemFont(const char* realname);
IlvFont* createFont(const char* family, IlvFontSize size, IlvFontStyle style, const char* foundry);
IlvFont* createFont(const char* family, IlvFontSize size, const char* resolution, IlvFontStyle style, const char* foundry);
IlvFont* dupFont(IlvFont* srcFont, const char* dstAlias);
void freeFont(IlvFont*);
void removeFont(IlvFont*);
IlvFont* getFont(const char* fontName);
IlvFont* getSystemFont(const char*);
IlvFont* getFont(const char* fontFamily, IlvFontSize fontSize, IlvFontStyle fontStyle = IlvNormalFontStyle, const char* foundry = 0);
IlvFont* getFont(const char* fontFamily, IlvFontSize fontSize, const char* fontResolution, IlvFontStyle fontStyle = IlvNormalFontStyle, const char* foundry = 0);
IlvDim* getFontSizes(const char* fontFamily, IlvFontStyle fontStyle, int& count, const char* foundry = 0) const;
const char* const* getFamilyNames(IlUShort& count) const;
IlvFont* defaultFont() const;
IlvFont* defaultNormalFont() const;
IlvFont* defaultBoldFont() const;
IlvFont* defaultItalicFont() const;
IlvFont* defaultLargeFont() const;
IlStringHashTable* getFonts() const;
IlStringHashTable* getFontAliases() const;
Published date: 05/24/2022
Last modified date: 05/24/2022