Bug Fixes
The following bug fixes have been made:
*VIEWS-13085: IlvViewFrame subview is not resized when frame is resized.
*VIEWS-13152: [X11/Xft] Japanese label not properly displayed in an IlvButton.
*VIEWS-13155: Hiding a prototype by script prevents interactions on overlapped objects.
*VIEWS-13267: Very long strings caused memory problems in IlvPrint(), IlvFatalError(), and IlvWarning().
*VIEWS-13268: [X11] Inconsistent behavior of IlvFont::maxWidth() when using Xft.
*VIEWS-13300: [X11] IlvView::iconBitmap() adds support for Extended Window Manager Hints protocol.
*VIEWS-13334: [Studio] Cannot save a prototype outside of a library.
*VIEWS-13353: Complex polygons in shapefile incorrectly loaded.
*VIEWS-13370: Incorrect geometry of a prototype loaded from an .ilv file.
*VIEWS-13381: IlvCodeEditor should not redraw its container when refreshing.
*VIEWS-13387: IlvCodeEditor does not change the cursor when leaving.
*VIEWS-13405: Prototypes behave differently in active mode and in an application.
*VIEWS-13416: Prototypes elements are moved when saved.
*VIEWS-13554: [ivfstudio] Wrong behavior when adding or moving layers in the Layer Editor.
*VIEWS-13565: IlvGradientSelector panel — infinite loop after deleting color stops.
*VIEWS-13576: The graphic names are not updated properly in IlvGraphic and IlvGraphicNode.
*VIEWS-13635: Memory leak in CSS cache introduced in Views 6.0.
*VIEWS-13761: The file include/ilviews/panels/grdsel.h is missing include files for static linkage.
*VIEWS-13796: Maps display incorrectly with WGS84 Ellipsoid.
*VIEWS-13818: [X11] memory leak when enabling Xft.
Published date: 05/24/2022
Last modified date: 02/24/2022