Bug Fixes
The following bug fixes have been made:
*VIEWS-12080: Motif look and feel does not draw grayed-out gadgets correctly.
*VIEWS-12346: [Xft] XError XRender when closing the 'table' sample in 'gadgets'.
*VIEWS-12401: Compiling on Linux now depends on the predefined macro '__linux' instead of 'linux'. This defines the IL_LINUX_PORT macro.
*VIEWS-12472 and VIEWS-12478: Some gadgets are not drawn correctly when they are set as 'grayed-out'.
*VIEWS-12518: Fixed regression in IlvATHtmlReader.
*VIEWS-12638: The Makefiles generated by Studio with the Data Access plug-in now explicitly reference the selected database vendor libraries.
*VIEWS-12690: Studio crashes when inspecting an element in a multiselection.
*VIEWS-12717: On Windows, calling hide on a view before IlvMainLoop has no effect.
*VIEWS-12929: On Unix, some double-click events may be discarded.
*VIEWS-12979: Studio sometimes crashes when inspecting a matrix item that contains a bitmap.
*VIEWS-13126: [Unix] Gradient persistence may crash in a multibyte environment.
*VIEWS-13137: Technical release version number removed from generated files to ensure full compatibility with version Views 6.2.
Published date: 05/24/2022
Last modified date: 02/24/2022