Bug Fixes
The following bug fixes have been made:
*VIEWS-9308: Memory leak when creating a Bitmap on Windows, in the system memory (not in video memory).
*VIEWS-11159: X Error of failed request: RenderBadPicture (invalid picture parameter) may be generated when using Xft fonts.
*VIEWS-11182: [X11] IlvDisplay::drawWChar() and drawIWChar() do not use the 'underline' font property.
*VIEWS-11498: Studio: The Apply and Close buttons may not be visible in IlvLayoutInspectorPanel.
*VIEWS-11510: Events are not handled properly in Controls that are being embedded into Prototype instances.
*VIEWS-11801: Views ActiveX is not registered at installation time.
*VIEWS-11810: Cannot run Views Studio on RHEL 7 with Gnome 3.
*VIEWS-11875: [Windows] Top views that are created as 'visible' are not properly updated when initially shown.
*VIEWS-11940: A gadget sitting next to an IlvViewFrame does not receive the keyboard focus properly.
*VIEWS-11956: [Studio] Code generation breaks if header has empty lines.
*VIEWS-11979: IlvViewFrame objects with double-buffering set may not refresh their borders properly if they have child views.
*VIEWS-12073: IlvGanttChart::ensureVisible() now moves the view by activity line instead of resource row, ensuring that the specified activity line is visible within the row.
*VIEWS-12104: [Gantt] The IlvGanttScaleInteractor is not activated in the Gantt Chart's timescale.
*VIEWS-12116: [Data Access] The scrollbars of the IliTableGadget are stuck after double-clicking on the arrow.
Published date: 05/24/2022
Last modified date: 02/24/2022