API Updates
Changes in IlvMatrix accessors:
*The name of the second parameter of the method accessor reinitialize(UInt, UInt) is changed from "count" to "row". The signature is now reinitialize(UInt col, UInt row)
*The name of the second parameter of the method accessor removeColumn(UInt, Boolean) is changed from "row" to "col". The signature is now removeColumn(UInt col, Boolean destroy)
*The signature of the method accessor setFocus() is changed from setFocus(UInt column, UInt row, IlvGadgetMatrixItem gadItem) to setFocus(UInt col, UInt row)
IlvManagerViewInteractor::handleEvent() now returns an IlBoolean. All direct or indirect subclasses must change their handleEvent() function signature.
The function must return ilTrue if the event is consumed and ilFalse otherwise.
Note: Please note that because of this API change, you may need to change your code if you override this method.
Published date: 05/24/2022
Last modified date: 02/24/2022