Changes in Views Studio
A ready-to-use version of Views Studio, delivered as a binary file called "ivfstudio" is provided in the studio/<system> directory.
Views Studio is a GUI builder that will help you create and generate Views applications.
*data/ilviews: Contains the data files used by the library (inspector panels, message databases, and so on).
*data/images: Contains image data files.
*data/icon: Contains some icons.
*data/DCW: Contains some DCW-generated files.
*bin: Contains binary files, along with source code.
The README file in the bin directory explains how to build these binary files.
Two useful programs can be built in <ILVHOME>/bin/<system>:
*ilv2data, which can build a "resource file" that can be linked with your application in order to make it environment-independent.
*splitdbm, which converts pre-3.0 message databases into the new format, including the new language definition, and encoding.
*samples: contains sample files.
For each sample, you need to go to the platform directory and run the make utility to build it.
*tools: contains more specific solutions to common problems.
Published date: 05/24/2022
Last modified date: 02/24/2022