Syntax Errors
When you test the application or the current buffer, the script attached to the concerned buffers are evaluated. If your scripts contain syntax errors, these errors are displayed in the Script Error List. You can double-click on an error to locate it and edit the source code in the Script Editor. Note that the buffer corresponding to the script is selected. You can show or hide the script error list by using the Script Error List icon in the tool bar.
By default, the Script Error List is displayed in the Main panel on top of the Generic Inspector. If you want it to be created in a separate top window, define a panel description for the ScriptErrorList panel using the topView property, as shown below:
panel "ScriptErrorList" {
topView true;
For more information, see the section Views Studio Panel Description File.
The contents of the Script Error List is updated each time you execute a Test command.
Published date: 05/24/2022
Last modified date: 02/24/2022