Gauges Palette
The Gauges palette contains various types of gauges that can be created using the normal creation mode or drag-and-drop operation.
Rectangular Scale
Creates an IlvRectangularScale object. You can choose either a horizontal or a vertical orientation for the scale.
Rectangular Gauge
Creates an IlvRectangularGauge object. You can choose either a horizontal or a vertical orientation for the scale.
Relief Gauge
Creates an IlvReliefGauge object. You can choose either a horizontal or a vertical orientation for the scale.
Slider Gauge
Creates an IlvSliderGauge object. You can choose either a horizontal or a vertical orientation for the scale.
Filled Circular Gauge
Creates an IlvFilledCircularGauge object.
Circular Gauge
Creates an IlvCircularGauge object.
Published date: 05/24/2022
Last modified date: 02/24/2022