The IlvLightSource Class
The IlvLightSource class lets you model lights. It has three usable subclasses
The IlvDistantLight Class
IlvDistantLight models an infinite light source using an azimuth and an elevation:
Lx = cos(azimuth)*cos(elevation)
Ly = sin(azimuth)*cos(elevation)
Lz = sin(elevation)
The IlvPointLight Class
IlvPointLight models an positional light using three coordinates Lightx, Lighty, and Lightz.
The IlvSpotLight Class
IlvSpotLight models a positional spot light using three coordinates Lightx, Lighty, and Lightz.
Lx = Lightx - x
Ly = Lighty - y
Lz = Lightz - Z(x,y)
L = (Lx, Ly, Lz) / Norm(Lx, Ly, Lz)
Lightx, Lighty, and Lightz
The input light position
Lr, Lg, Lb
The light color vector, is a function of position in the spot light case only:
Lr = Lightr*pow((-L.S),specularExponent)
Lg = Lightg*pow((-L.S),specularExponent)
Lb = Lightb*pow((-L.S),specularExponent)
Given S as the unit vector pointing from the light to the point (pointsAtX, pointsAtY, pointsAtZ) in the x-y plane:
Sx = pointsAtX - Lightx
Sy = pointsAtY - Lighty
Sz = pointsAtZ - Lightz
S = (Sx, Sy, Sz) / Norm(Sx, Sy, Sz)
Published date: 05/24/2022
Last modified date: 02/24/2022