Defining a New Panel
The Views Studio interface is composed of several panels. Panels are instances of a subclass of IlvStPanelHandler, which is described in the file <ivstudio/panel.h>. This class is not a gadget container class, but rather a handle to the actual graphic panels that are instances of IlvGadgetContainer. It allows you to keep the graphic aspect of the panel completely separate from its behavior within Views Studio. Following are the virtual member functions that may be redefined:
*connect initializes the panel. This method is usually called after the panel has been created. It is meant to separate the constructor from initialization.
*apply is associated with the apply callback that you can attach to any object.
*cancel is associated with the cancel callback that you can attach to any object.
*reset is associated with the reset callback that you can attach to any object.
The show and hide methods of the panel handler must be used to show and hide a Views Studio panel. Never directly show or hide the handled gadget container.
The subclass IlvStDialog is a handle for an instance of IlvDialog.
Published date: 05/24/2022
Last modified date: 02/24/2022