Name Property
The name of every abstract object is specified in the constructor and can be updated by means of the member function setObjectName. This member function sets the name of the Gantt object (line, node, or link) object to name. It returns IlTrue if successful. The object names must be unique in the scope of a given Gantt chart. You can delete the name of an object by setting the name parameter to 0 when calling this function. An attempt to erase the name of an unnamed object is an error. Use the redraw parameter to specify whether you want the views to be redrawn (IlTrue) or not (IlFalse).
The subnodes of one activity have the same name but different indexes in the list managed by the node. Thus, subnodes can be distinguished graphically by displaying their indexes.
The Gantt library provides hooks to insert a call to any user-defined function at various points, as follows:
*When a line is inserted into the Gantt chart.
*When a subnode is added to a node.
*When a link is added to the Gantt chart.
*When the setObjectName method is called to set or to update any Gantt abstract object name.
Published date: 05/24/2022
Last modified date: 02/24/2022