Automatically Updating Scales
To update a scale, use the virtual method
updateScale. This member function is called when a new transformation is applied to a corresponding grapher view, that is, a zoom or a horizontal translation. You can set the
redraw parameter to
IlFalse to prevent the contents of the scale and grapher views from being refreshed.
In the month example, the updateScale method is redefined as follows:
MonthGanttChart::updateScale(IlvScale* scale, IlvBoolean redraw) const
IlvContainer* container = getGadgetContainer();
IlvUShort count;
// Get index of the scale to be updated (0 if it is the left scale,
// 1 if it is the right scale)
IlvUShort hi = (IlvUShort)((scale == getScale(0)) ? 0 : 1);
// Get the labels to be displayed
char* labels[32];
computeScaleLabels(getShownStart(hi), getShownEnd(hi),
getStep(hi), count, labels);
arg.count = count;
arg.labels = labels;
container->applyToObject(scale, SetScaleLabels, &arg, redraw);
// Clean memory
for (IlvUShort i = 0; i < count; ++i)
delete labels[i];
Published date: 05/24/2022
Last modified date: 02/24/2022