Panel Classes
Panel classes can be created using the Panel Class palette. These classes can then be used to add panel instances to the Application buffer.
For each Gadgets buffer that is part of the edited application, Views Studio generates a C++ class derived from IlvGadgetContainer. The generated class does the following:
*Reads the data used to create the panel objects.
*Generates callbacks as methods.
*Generates accessors for named objects.
Adding a Panel Class
To add a new panel class to the application:
1. Make sure that the required panel buffer is open, and is the current buffer.
2. Click the Panel Class Palette icon in the Main window toolbar to open the Panel Class palette.
3. Click the New Panel Class icon in the Panel Class palette toolbar.
The new panel class is added to the palette.
Removing a Panel Class
To remove a panel class from the application:
1. In the Panel Class palette, select the panel class you want to remove.
2. Click the Remove Panel Class icon in the Panel Class palette toolbar.
Published date: 05/24/2022
Last modified date: 02/24/2022