The IlvError Class
Views provides an error message mechanism based on the IlvError class. There is a default IlvError instance that is automatically installed for every Views application.
This class implements warnings and fatal errors by simply printing out the message parameter. You can create subtypes of this class to perform more complex actions, and make Views use them.
Two global functions get and set the current error handler:
extern "C" IlvError* IlvGetErrorHandler();
extern "C" void IlvSetErrorHandler(IlvError* errorHandler);
To make Views call the error handler, send each error message through one of these global functions:
extern "C" void IlvWarning(const char* format, ...);
extern "C" void IlvFatalError(const char* format, ...);
The parameter format has the same format as the regular C function printf. The above two global functions expect their parameters in the same way as printf does.
Published date: 05/24/2022
Last modified date: 02/24/2022